Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Renovating my Faith

I'm thanking God for a lesson on faith today! Faith is accepting that God has answered your prayer resolving your need before you see the manifestation of it in completed form. Today I had such a perfect faith lesson I hope I can hold onto it.

I had several issues at work and another personal issue that were beyond my ability to resolve. In each case scenario, I needed help from outside sources to resolve. Obviously I needed His awesome power to influence and arrange each resolution from several business professionals in various fields: banking, lawyers, immigration officers, etc.

I cried out to God for help and He heard me. In each circumstance, He helped me. I watched as each problem, one by one, was turned over to the professional in their field. Instantly I felt the relief of burden although I did not see the completed resolution, I had given it to the one that had the power to resolve each issue. I never worried about whether they were qualified or how they would resolve it but I let go of each burden as they took it upon themselves to carry out their tasks toward a resolution.

What a valuable lesson! Why, God, when I lift up my voice in prayer and give you my “burden” – that thing that concerns me and weights me down with worry and/or fear, why do I continue to worry about it as though you would fail me. I seem to have more faith in a human being in his/her professional ability than I do in the Almighty One and Only Living God, all powerful. I felt ashamed when I realize whom I had really put my trust in.

For example, to have authorized documents from the government I was required to follow through their slow, lengthy process and red tape. My form I sent in was returned to me twice and now it looked like I would have to complete yet another unforeseen step in the paperwork process. This step required certifying a copy of one of my documents. This certified copy would be the final document needed to satisfy the proper authorities and complete my application.

While I was at work, it suddenly came to me to call my friend, who works for an accountant. She confirmed that she was a “commissioner of oaths”, which means she had the power to certify the copy of the document I needed. I was so instantly relieved. We made an appointment to meet each other for lunch the next day and she would take care of it. I didn’t doubt her ability at all. I didn’t doubt her authority. I didn’t doubt that she would hold true to her word. I saw the situation already completed and finished! To me it was as good as done, as though I already had the completed, authorized document in my hand. Even though I still had to wait until tomorrow to meet with her to actually certify the copy, then send it registered mail to the governmental powers that be, which meant another 30 - 60 days until it was approved and then delivered by the post office into my hands. Right now, today, I don’t have that final approved documentation from the government but it was as good as done, that’s how I felt. All because my friend said she would do it for me. I took it in good faith.

Why is that easier than actually praying and giving a problem to God, trusting him to complete what I have entrusted to him? My life lesson today was on trusting God for the final answer as though I already have it in my possession right now. God promised – so I believe him! And that is faith. Selah

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