Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fasting to Quit Smoking

Monday, March 22nd
Since I came back from the Camp Caroline retreat on Sunday, I have known that it would be time to give up the cigarettes. On our way home, my friends and I were discussing how God uses fasting and prayer to deliver people from addictions, heal their bodies and deliver from demonic influences. I commented that I have trouble with fasting and I don't agree that it is the only way to set someone free. Immediately when I said it, I heard God speak to me, "FASTING is exactly what you'll be doing to be free of this nicotine addiction". Well, I wasn't too crazy about that idea but I knew God ironically had a plan for me that would humble me and get my body and mind back into control. Self-Discipline is something I've struggled with for many years obviously. I believed that God would show me how to be removed from this addiction to cigarettes and He will show me when it would begin. It only makes sense to fast because fasting is an excellent way to detoxify your body. When you finally say "Yes Lord I'm willing, lets do this", He doesn't mess around with time. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly but its time to do this.

DAY 1: Tuesday, March 23rd
I was led to find an article on the internet titled, "The Best Way to Quit Smoking: Fasting to Quit". It said you should fast for three days to quit smoking, fasting on brown rice and water or carrot juice three days in a row. If you can't fast for three straight days, fast one day a week for three weeks or as close together as possible."

So now my time to get off the nicotine has come. I knew it should happen while my co-worker is away because she also smokes and we'll be separated for 2 weeks. This also comes right after the Camp Caroline retreat, which was about Forgiveness. When I found this article about fasting to quit smoking it also encouraged forgiveneess of others to free your heart from hidden anger. She says to think about everyone who has ever wronged you, make the list in your mind and then ask God to help you forgive each person and why you need to forgive them. You will find that you are not only better off not smoking but that you are better off not holding resentment in your heart.

I like jasmine rice best so I chose brown jasmine rice and I am really enjoying it. I cooked large quanities added just a little butter and it has been my meals when I feel hungry, I eat the rice, drink as much water as I can and of course, drink the carrot juice. (Side note: with the exception of carrot or beet juice, vegetable juice does not raise insulin levels like fruit juice.)

Since this is the first day on the fast and since I wasn't expecting to do it, I went to the store and bought Bolthouse Farms 100% carrot juice with nothing artificial added. That is the best choice next to actually juicing your own carrots at home, which I highly recommend. Later that evening, I did juice my own carrots. Fresh carrot juice is incredible tasting and you get the genuine, fresh nutritional value of vitamins in their raw state.

DAY 2: Wednesday, March 24
So as I am writing my progress, I was praying this morning and entering my 2nd day of fasting. God led me to read and meditate on John 3:10-21 & 1 Samuel 7:3-4. Then Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying, "If you return to the LORD with all your heart, remove the foreign gods and the Ashtaroth from among you and direct your hearts to the LORD and serve Him alone; and He will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines." So the sons of Israel removed the Baals and the Ashtaroth and served the LORD alone.

Although I've also had limited quantities of tea and coffee. and a handful of peanuts and one banana, other than that I've stuck to the brown rice, water and carrot juice, completely. God is really blessing me on this fast. It does seem much easier than I ever imagined. I'm very amazed at how well I am doing. My mind is so focused on what really matters that my cravings have been reduced to hardly anything. Also, one tip was to chew cinnamon gum because the aromatic scent and flavor of cinnamon help reduce nicotine cravings. I've had some gum but I've managed to resist the cravings except for a couple of times throughout the day. I ended up smoking only 2 cigarettes yesterday, half of one at a time. I haven't been hungry at all.

DAY 3: Thursday, March 25
This fast has turned out to be an amazing experience. The heightened sensitivity is truly a natural high. I feel as though all my senses are alive again and as though my mind has been turned on again, like when you take your car in to get a tune up. You should only have a mechanic you trust do the tune-up. I'm trusting God to do my tune-up.

Am I encouraging everyone to fast? Not everything is for everyone. You know your body best and your circumstances but I encourage you to talk to God about it with a willing heart and you may discover an experience you never realized was available for you. It really is a great way to gain control of your body again and to be honest, sometimes I've felt like my body was wondering around with my brain on auto-pilot. I finally feel back in the driver's seat. I can see clearly now as though my brain has been defogged. I have a greater sense of what is really important all around me. So many stupid things distract us from being free. My health is important because I've got to keep my "vehicle" running for as long as possible so I can accomplish everything I was meant to do on this earth during the time I was meant to be here.

DAY 4: March 26 Today was the day I began to slowly come off the fast. Part of me didn't want to because I was still feeling euphoric, blessed and happy to have experienced this. I feel free from both nicotine and food addictions. I thank God for this experience and now have not only given up the nicotine but have also taken charge again of my body making it submit so that I can be led by the spirit and not the body. My mind, will and emotions are standing in agreement with my spirit, which I've surrendered to the Holy Spirit of God. I've actually dropped a few pounds too -- added bonus. My perspective and ability to focus on the "right" things is amazing. I remember making the choices that I acted on these last few days and doing things that I wouldn't have normally done. In one split second I decided to call a "distant relative" I hadn't forgiven yet. Since I couldn't get hold of this person for over a year, I thought surely I wouldn't get through but I did. When she answered, I could hear inside my head what I wanted to say but instead what came out of my mouth were just words of love and encouragement. It was commpletely a God moment. I know she felt better and I did too but I was certainly in shock by what just happened giving her encouragement and loving support instead of giving her a piece of my mind or my list of needs. Incredible.

The other experience was that I was in a grocery store. There was a toddler screaming and crying so hard and so loud that you could hear him from corner to corner of the 210,000 square feet of the store. Instead of getting on my nerves sending me over the edge, I was completely calm and in fact, I went around the corner of the isle, smiling and offered to help the young mother. She had her hands full with 2 children. It was probably the wrong thing to do because she just wrestled to control the toddler and get him back into the seat of the cart then took off. I seriously prayed for her and the child the rest of the time. I thought surely he would have given up after awhile but this lasted at least 30 minutes in the store before she got out of there. Imagine that as your grocery shopping experience every week. I've certainly got it easy compared to her life.
Just something I wanted to share.

I will say that forgiveness WAS a huge part of this experience this past week. I forgave myself for the hurtful things I've done to my body. I've forgiven family and friends. I've even forgiven my husband for the speeding ticket $125.00 that came in the mail today. That did upset me at first, but not as much as it would have any other time, and I calmed down and got everything into perspective. Its only money and what's done is done. No need to bring shame to him, I'm sure his own feelings about it will be enough for him to deal with, I don't need to make it worse. I just left it out on the table for him to see. Your sin will find you out. LOL

The following website has some amazing things to reveal about fasting.


Creative Char said...

Can I make my vegetable juice in the morning and drink it later in the day?
Although this is much better than not drinking vegetable juice at all, juice is best drank freshly juiced. Vegetable juice is one of the most perishable foods there is and ideally it would be best to drink all of your juice immediately. However, if you are careful you can store your vegetable juice for up to 24 hours with only a moderate nutritional decline.

You can do this by putting the vegetable juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and filling it to the very top. There should be as little air in the jar as possible because it is the OXYGEN in air that will "oxidize" and damage the juice. Think of a cut apple turning brown when exposed to air.

It's a good idea to use an opaque container to block out all light which would also damage the juice and then store it in the refrigerator until about 30 minutes prior to drinking since ideally the juice should be consumed at room temperature.

Creative Char said...

Ask God to show you the "idols" in your life that you need to remove because they are filling the place in your heart which belong to God. These idols take up your time and divert your heart away from devotion to God. Return, keep returning, every time we are led astray even so slightly, return yourself toward God.

"If you return to the LORD with all your heart, remove the foreign gods and the Ashtaroth from among you and direct your hearts to the LORD and serve Him alone; and He will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines." 1 Samuel 7:3-4